ET25SWE0009 - Market and Technical Evaluation of Combination Washer-Dryer Units for Multifamily Buildings
Laundry remains a significant obstacle to decarbonization efforts of multifamily buildings in California, with limited adoption of high efficiency equipment, especially heat pump clothes dryers. In addition, most LMI households living in multifamily buildings lack in-unit laundry, increasing barriers to equitable access to cost and energy efficient laundry. The recent market entrance of 120V combination washer and heat pump dryers has introduced new opportunities for decarbonizing laundry in multifamily buildings. VEIC will evaluate the potential of combination washer and heat pump dryer units as an option for energy efficient electrification of multifamily housing, while also increasing in-unit laundry access for multifamily residents and reducing reliance on shared laundry facilities and laundromats. The project team will assess the scale of the market opportunity; estimate energy and GHG impacts; evaluate property owner and tenant costs and impacts; and identify space and infrastructure (electrical and mechanical) requirements for transitioning from common area to in-unit laundry.
This project will include a market characterization study, energy and cost modeling, and outreach to stakeholders, including multifamily building residents, owners, and community-based organizations working in disadvantaged communities. The geographic scope of this research will be statewide, with region-specific analyses if data are available. Stakeholder engagement will focus on LMI households and disadvantaged communities. If our research indicates that combination units are a feasible and cost-effective means of electrifying California’s multifamily buildings, future work will consider a pilot project to deploy and track performance of combination units.