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ET24SWG0013 - CFS Emissions and Fuel Costs

Project Name
CFS Emissions and Fuel Costs
Project Number
Funding Entity
Market Sector
TPM Category Priority 1
Cooking Equipment
Project Description

AGILE: There is a push for electrification of most gas end uses including commercial cooking. The results from GET Study ET23SWG005: Dual Fuel Single Family Modeling indicated that running an electric heat pump to heat a single-family home would cost anywhere from 68% - 144% more than a gas furnace depending upon the climate zone where the home is located. In dollars this is between $53/year - $391/year more than a gas furnace. It stands to reason that operating costs of electric cooking equipment could be more than gas-fired equipment. Additionally, the emissions of electric cooking equipment fluctuate throughout the day so there could be times of the day where electric cooking equipment emits more emissions than gas-fired equipment. The Study Team will investigate the underlying data for the emissions factors in the ACC to provide recommendations for further research. The Study Team will briefly scan and screen for gas-fired fryers which exceed the Energy Star qualifications that would be good candidates for further research.

Lincus proposes and agile project to use hourly gas fryer data from a previous emerging technology study to estimate the fuel cost change and emissions change from replacing a gas fryer with an electric fryer. This would inform a potential study of Commercial Foodservice (CFS) Equipment emissions and fuel cost comparisons for a wider range of CFS equipment.