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ET22SWE0005 - Outreach Event 3- CalNEXT Components

Project Name
Outreach Event 3- CalNEXT Components
Project Number
Funding Entity
Market Sector
Cross Cutting
Distribution Report
Project Description

The Program Team will hold a virtual event targeted to stakeholders and groups/individuals who would be interested in participating in CalNEXT. The purpose of this event will be to provide context for CalNEXT components, offering an introduction to Technology Priority Maps (TPMs) and Projects: Technology Development Research and Technology Support Research. This Event will be structured to ensure attendees understand the six Technology Categories: [1] Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning, [2] Plug Loads and Appliances, [3] Process Loads, [4] Lighting, [5] Water Heating, and [6] Whole Buildings. Attendees will also be educated about the value of engaging with CalNEXT, with a clear call to action for how to engage and submit ideas.