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Welcome to the California Statewide Emerging Technologies Program (ETP) Portal
Southern California Edison (SCE) and SoCalGas (SCG) are the Program Administrators of the Statewide Electric Emerging Technologies Program (ETP) and the Statewide Gas ETP. They use this website to track the progress and deliverables of the third-party implementers, and to provide visibility to program activities for regulatory purposes. 
CalNEXT - Statewide Electric Emerging Technologies
CalNEXT is the new Statewide Electric Emerging Technologies Program (ETP) that is designed and implemented by Energy Solutions. Visit this website to submit ideas for electric projects.
GET - Gas Emerging Technologies
GET is the new Statewide Gas ETP that is designed and implemented by ICF. Visit this website to submit ideas for gas projects.
ETCC - Emerging Technologies Coordinating Council
The Emerging Technologies Coordinating Council consists of seven members, including the four investor-owned utilities (IOUs), the California Energy Commission, Sacramento Municipal Utility District, and Los Angeles Water and Power. This website contains the project reports since the early 2000s from the ETCC IOU members’ technology assessment programs, including ETP (prior to transition to statewide implementation in 2022), Demand Response ET, and PG&E’s Code Readiness programs. This website mirrors the database of projects and final reports from the website, and directs idea submissions to the CalNEXT and GET websites. 
Our Contributions



“Is there anything the ETCC can do to mitigate increases in energy use as building owners and managers make changes in response to Covid-19, whether through changes to their HVAC systems or operati